Eating Sushi Selfie - Pictoplasma Portrait Project


Eating Sushi (detail), my Character Selfie to The Pictoplasma Portrait Project

¿Os gustan el arte y los monstruos mulliditos? Pues reservad billete para visitar el hogar de los Bratwurst y el Shtrudel porque este Abril los chicos de Pictoplasma cumplen 10 años. Y lo celebran con un festivalazo lleno de expos, arte en vivo, proyecciones y nutritivas conferencias para alimentar a la mente creativa más hambrienta!

Mientras tanto, los más impacientes podéis ir afilando lápices y agudizando el ingenio con el Character Selfies – The Pictoplasma Portrait Porject, al que ahora mismo se dirige una de mis niñas con su dulce sonrisa y un montón de veggie maki rolls. Si la veis, decidle que venís de mi parte y seguro que os invita a probarlos ;)

* More info about the 10th Pictoplasma Berlin Conference & Festival here:

Do you like art and fluffy monsters? So just book a ticket to visit the Bratwurst and Shtrudel homeland because this April Pictoplasma's guys celebrate their 10th Anniversary with a splendid festival, full of funny exhibits, group-shows, animation screening and nutritious conferences to feed the hungriest creative minds!

Meanwhile, you can go sharpening your pencils and wit taking part in the "Character Selfies - Pictoplasma Portrait Project". In fact, one of my little friends is on the way with her best smile and a lot of veggie maki rolls. If you see her, tell her you know me and she will surely invite you to taste one ;)
* More info about the 10th Pictoplasma Berlin Conference & Festival here:
